The owners of the domain name acu.info are accepting offers from
interested parties willing to obtain ownership rights over the domain
name. You can place your offer by filling out the form below.
This is a good faith offer. If you believe that your rights are violated please read the disclaimer How to make offer
Sales Process. As soon you succesfully negotiated on domain name (or your offer was accepted), you will receive e-mail from escrow with transaction details and further instructions. Generally, we recommend use of www.escrow.com an independent third party transaction management service. The process of domain name transfer at Escrow is simple: Seller registers at escrow.com web site and initiates a domain name transfer transaction. Buyer accepts the terms of the transaction and pays the full amount of sale to the escrow account via chosen payment method. Upon securing funds escrow.com instructs the seller to pass the domain name to buyer. Buyer receives control over the domain name and notifies escrow.com. Escrow.com then releases funds to the seller.If agreed price on domain name exceeds $1,000 US, escrow fees are to be covered by Seller. Otherwise, Buyer is responsible for escrow fees (escrow fee calculator) If you are unable to proceed using escrow services, it is possible to use sedo.com escrow service. We can also accept direct payment via bank wire transfer or credit card. Before proceeding to placing your bid we strongly suggest you to read our FAQ. If you are going to choose Escrow Transfer, please also read: To place your offer please fill out the form below. It is important to make sure that your SPAM filter will not block incoming e-mail confirmation letter or turn it off before submitting this form. Otherwise, you will not be able to confirm your offer. |